CT“The ARP is a God send!”
–Charles Tillman, Chicago Bears




JM“Thanks for the great rehab!”
–Jason McKie, Chicago Bears (retired)




MB“To John and team, the ARP kings, thanks!”
–Mike Brown, Chicago Bears/Kansas City Chiefs (retired)



PM“Thanks for the healing power”
–Patrick Mannelly, Chicago Bears




”The athletes I have worked with on the ARP have had outstanding results. The unique waveform and simple protocols combine to deliver Great results! My best!”
–Wally, Assistant Athletic Trainer World Champion Indianapolis Colts

jodyJody Gerut isn’t just a client of ARPwave; he’s also one of the medical device’s biggest proponents.

The Padres outfielder is so impressed by the machine —- which uses electrical stimulation to identify shortened muscles vulnerable to injury —- that he became a 5 percent owner of the Minnesota-based company.

Gerut, who is likely out until Monday with a sprained left middle finger, said the device is part of his vigilant nightly effort to stay healthy. It’s a program that he has changed drastically since suffering a pair of torn anterior cruciate ligaments.

“If I didn’t have this machine, I fully believe I would have retired,” Gerut said, as if pitching the product in a television commercial.

Gerut returned to the field this season for the first time since Aug. 10, 2005. He believes the machine might have helped him avoid either knee injury because he would have known he was at risk.

arronNothing else, after all, worked. Nothing. Not the fitness trailer. Not the last bunch of trainers or their regimens. Not the ones before that, either.

So Arron Oberholser puts himself through the wringer. He pushes himself past what he ever thought his body could handle. And then he straps an electronic stimulator on his legs to make it tougher.

The type of training no one say an NFL player like Indianapolis defensive end Dwight Freeney would inflict on himself.

And, know what? It’s working. Oberholser hasn’t had a back problem since he started this program — Accelerated Recovery Performance, ARP for short. Also known as Ultra Fit. Something his fiancée suggested. She does it, too.

“She’s probably one of the strongest people I know,” he said.

Oberholser may not be far behind. The man who played 31 holes Friday at the Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial and walked off smiling. He tossed out a little second-round 66 to settle in one shot behind rain-delayed second-round leader Tim Clark, then settled down to talk about the routine that’s saved his career.

His back problems first came up when he was playing on the Nationwide Tour in 2002, and they persisted through the start of the year when he had to withdraw from the Mercedes-Benz Championship after one round. That’s when he changed strategies.

“I was fed up after this last bout when I hurt it again,” he said, “So I said enough is enough. I’m going to take care of this.”

So he sought out the ARP guys to strengthen his leg and back muscles.

“When you have tried everything and nothing is working and you still keep getting injured this is what you go to,” he said

tommieAfter sustaining a ruptured hamstring and muscle knee sprain to my left leg, I was immediately referred to Denis Thompson for help.  Denis contacted the guys at Neuro Strength Labs to begin the pre-op ARP treatments on my hamstring and the muscles of my knee. Although I thought the pain was in one area, I couldn’t believe what the ARP was showing. After the first treatment, I contacted Denis to get my own ARP! I used it immediately after surgery with tremendous results and continue to use it daily. I’m looking forward to getting back stronger than ever. Believe me, I’m not the only one who’s amazed at my recovery.
Tommie Harris, Chicago Bears



stanIn October 2006 I completely tore my ACL and had a grade 2 tear of my MCL.  I contacted the guys at ARPwave and as immediately put on a pre-op regimen to reduce inflammation.  After completing an ACL reconstruction on November 20, 2006 the doctor said I will need to brace it for 3 weeks.  I was walking in 3 days!  The doctor said I would need 6 months recovery before I could return.  I was running and skating within just ONE MONTH of post-op!  The doctor nearly fell off his chair in amazement of my rate of recovery.  Today, I continue to use the ARP in my training with incredible results.  Truly incredible, I cannot thank you guys enough!
Stan Buckowich, Northern Arizona Ice Hockey